I know I seem to blog about the move that's coming a bunch. Sorry for being a bit one dimensional with that but since that is what is hovering over me at the moment that's what I think about. I feel like I can see the tidal wave coming at me in the distance and I know I'm supposed to grab a surf board and jump on at just the right time. But I keep thinking if I run faster it won't catch up with me. Moving is going to be a lot harder than I thought it would be. Every time I look at the calendar to write things down I feel that way. We only have 4 precious months to spend with our friends and families. It's so overwhelming knowing how much our life is going to change very soon. I feel so blessed to have wonderful opportunities and yet I feel like I'm going thru the 5 stages of grief....and stuck in all of them at the same time. More often than not I feel like I'm in our brand new Vita Mix blender. My kids have each had break-through's in different aspects of their academic lives. They each ADORE their teachers. How do you say goodbye to that? What about my sweet dog Shelby? How do you just get rid of a member of your family? Uggghhh...I just can't think about that stuff or I cry all night. I'm trying to focus on all the good things that people keep telling us about the place we are going. How welcoming they will be, how kind and generous and accepting they are. All the history that will be so close. New York City, Washington D.C, etc. I'm looking forward to those things. I'm learning that I don't have near the faith I should. I need to trust the Lord. He has a plan for us and is very aware of our needs. It's just, I had a plan for my life. Everything was going according to that plan. Marry returned missionary/high school sweetheart....check. Have an adorable good size family....check. Live close to family and make sure my kids have close relationships with Grandparents....check. All of that is now changing. I'm having to give up what I wanted for something that will be different, new, strengthening/difficult and challenging. I won't know 3/4 of the people in the county and their families and background where we are going. No history with the people or the place, no sense of direction which means I will be getting lost ALL THE TIME! I freak out driving in Sacramento and I've been there dozens of times.....I think the Lord wants me to grow and stretch. It's time, and I'm using my journal and this blog to help work thru all the stuff that is going to come with it. So thanks for hanging in there with me.

I thought I would post some pics of Richmond so that I can remind myself that I'm moving to a seriously beautiful place!

Honestly, that part is a bit comforting. It's such a pretty place and rich in history!

I am going to the gym now. THANK GOODNESS! I love the gym. The step aerobics classes, the toning classes, the spin classes, fantastic instructors, and meeting new people. I thrive in this environment. I love it. Plus I feel good when I exercise too. Some days I go 2 times a day because I have so much fun with certain classes, I think that might be a bit weird... Hopefully I'll drop these last 17lbs with all those extra calories I'm burnin'.
My ladies(Betty Boop, Big Mama, Speedy, Sandy etc.) are laying really well now. We are getting about 5-7 eggs per day. It's like Christmas every day! We absolutely LOVE IT!! The funny thing is that I get a TON of requests for our chickens. People find out we are moving and say, Oh, what are you going to do with your chickens? I'll take them. It's pretty funny, I thought they would be the toughest to find homes for. Turns out my sweet 10 year old Chocolate lab is the one that no one wants. And she is the one I'm most attached to.....the cats I love as well, but they don't seem to care one way or the other, which is why I love them so much! Heehee!
Great thing is, Nate is doing REALLY well with his new position. They love him and are helping him find us a place to live. He went to look at a house already. He said I would love the kitchen the yard and the floor plan. I said great. He said you won't want to live here. I asked why. He uttered the word. The profane word of words. Just hearing it makes my blood boil....yep....wallpaper!!!! I HATE WALLPAPER! In every house I have ever remembered living in, there was wallpaper. It would not have been so bad, and my hatred not so red hot had it not been for the fact that I had to help remove said wallpaper from the wall of each house containing the obscene stuff. One house had 27 layers of wallpaper in one room.....I DON'T like wallpaper. So of course I said no, and he said I know babe, it's in every room on every wall. My worst nightmare come true. We aren't living in that house....
So the hunt continues. In March I will be flying out with Nate to really start looking...not gonna lie. I'm freaking out about it just a bit. That means this is really happening.
On a side note, pasta and bread never tasted so good! I'm lovin' it!!!!! If I do have celiac's I will miss it terribly. I forgot how much I love pasta! Slather that stuff in fatty, saucy goodness and I will go to town! Don't even get me started on desserts. Dessert is still my passion. Cakes, pies, cookies, pastries... If I ever get a chance to go back to school I would be either a nurse or a pastry chef...no joke!!
Cute new look here on your blog! I TOTALLY understand how you feel with the move. No worries, I thought of something that will make you feel better. You'll find out soon....
ReplyDeleteYay for exercise making you feel great- but bummer on the Ceiac's thing. When do you find out if you really have it?
Lastly, UGH UGH UGH on the wallpaper thing! Whoever invented the stuff ought to be hung up by their toes and required to remove it from that position. Ha! I hope you can find something NOT plastered in the stuff.
Really? Something that will make me feel better about the move? I can't wait to find out. I think that you have invented the PERFECT punishment for whoever invented the wretched stuff!!! Thanks Holly for making me laugh!!