Families are Forever

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Win a Shelf Reliance Shelving system

Can't hurt to try right?  Here's the link.  Go on over...it's over today.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Teacher's gifts

Do you guys have any ideas/suggestion for gifts for my kids teachers?  They are simply FANTASTIC teachers.  They have each been so great for my kids and I wanted to get them something but have no idea what we could do!  Ideas?

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Thank you cards

Is it just me or are those the best things to get?!  I love them.  I have such a hard time remembering to send the dang things though!!!  I have every thank you note/card I've ever been given.  They are precious to me.  Every once in a while when I'm feeling like I'm feeling down on myself I pull out some of them and read them.  They make me smile and feel a little bit better about myself!!!  I have been trying to listen to and follow promptings I receive more closely the last couple months.  Really trying.  Trying to hear them, interpret them correctly and then do is proving somewhat of a challenge for me.  Is it just me?  Was that really my idea or was it inspiration?  It's tricky sometimes.  Anyway, I've thought lately that the gratitude shown me in all of my thank you cards means so much to me, why don't I do that same thing for others?  Why don't I ever send out thank you notes?  So I have been thinking about who/and what I could send them for.  At first I couldn't think of anything in particular.  Then it happened.  A flood into my mind of people who have been kind to my children, taught them something (church, school, etc.) someone who said something nice and brightened my day, things they did to help me when my husband is gone, things like that.  People and situations I had forgotten about after I wrote it in my journal.  I've been trying to write them as I think of them.  I will be mailing them soon.  It almost feels like a goodbye of sorts.  They have been superbly difficult for me to write.  Not because I can't think of things to say but because it wrenches my heart to say goodbye to these wonderful people.  I love them.  They have served me and my family, loved us.  That is difficult to part with.  So, I am going to do better about writing and sending thank you notes to people,  Because as a wise man once said, "Showing gratitude is the mark of a noble soul."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Two words.....

Book Fair!  I have children who LOVE to read.  The problem with this you ask?  Well we have so many books that their book shelves are overflowing....and we are moving.  No book fair for us tonight!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fasting, Inspiration, & Revelation

I read Elder Scott's talk from Conference titled, "How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration For Your Personal Life".  This talk was specifically for me. Well, this talk was one of many that were for me!!   I have struggled most of my life with this topic.  I don't know why, my Mom says that "I have a gift" for things like that.  I don't see think so, and think she is generous and perhaps a bit biased.  That said it has been my personal mission to try and receive, decipher, hear, understand, and act on promptings and receive revelation and inspiration.  Sadly or more importantly I never understood the difference....until Elder Scott's talk.  Just in case I'm not the only one Here is a quote from His talk,

"The Holy Ghost communicates important information that we need to guide us in our mortal jouney.  When it is crisp and clear and essential, it warrants the title of revelation.  When it is a series of promptings we often have to guide us step by step to a worthy objective, for the purpose of this message, it is inspiration."   There you have it.  Now I understand the difference. 

Another important thing he talked about was dreams as a form of revelation.  I seem to tend to this at times in my life.  I have had dreams that I knew were revelation but questioned that because in the dream the person in it....ie a Bishop or Stake Pres.  was no longer the Bishop or Stake Pres. in my dream.  So it couldn't have been significant or prophetic dream right?.... Here's another quote that answered another question, "Revelation can also be given in a dream when there is an almost imperceptible transition from sleep to wakefulness.  If you strive to capture the content immediately, you can record great detail, but otherwise it fades rapidly.  Inspired communication in the night is generally accompanied by a sacred feeling for the entire  experience.  The Lord USES INDIVIDUALS FOR WHOM WE HAVE GREAT RESPECT TO TEACH US TRUTHS IN A DREAM BECAUSE WE TRUST THEM AND WILL LISTEN TO THEIR COUNSEL.  It is the Lord doing the teaching through the Holy Ghost.  However, He may in a dream make it both easier to understand and more likely to touch our hearts by teaching us through someone we love and respect."  

That explains SO much for me.  So when I finished listening, and reading and re-reading his talk I knew I had to do the things he talked about doing.  One includes fasting properly......I don't fast very well.  It's a weakness of mine.  On Sunday, when it should be noted that I was fasting for revelation and inspiration, I thought I need to write a talk on Fasting.  Why you ask?  I have no idea....I don't really want to.  I just had a feeling that I should.  Writing a talk isn't what I do for fun but it wouldn't leave my mind So I sat down and started gathering my thoughts, I even wrote some things down.  I quit though because I'm really trying to buckle down and get some things organized for the move coming up.  Then it occured to me.  Perhaps this was a prompting/inspiration....but why?  Why would I need to write a talk now about a specific topic?  The first answer is because I need it.  Joy I thought....yet another weakness to work on.  Then today I felt the real reason I needed to start writing.  The Lord knows me.  When he inspires me to do things or when there is change or something difficult for me He usually gives me advanced notice.  A calling that is going to really challenge me, a move that is going to twist my insides and make me a different better person, etc.  This one is no different.  We are going to be moving.  What happens when the Bishop knows that you are moving?  For me this means I get to give a talk....when will I have time to prepare that talk?  Not much if it's around the time right before we leave or after we get to the new place we are going.....so, maybe the Bishop is going to ask us to speak.  I don't know but either way whether it's because of my weakness or because He is preparing me to give a talk I'm thankful for inspiration and revelation.  Neither of which I'm proficient at receiving, understanding or acting upon yet, but it's my goal to be able to.  I realize that this may take a lifetime but how else do you take the Holy Spirit for your guide?  If I'm going to raise spiritual giants I'm going to need the help of the Holy Ghost constantly.  If I"m going to protect them from evil and teach them to rely on the Holy Ghost I better be doing it myself....I have a BIG job ahead of me...
...and if I'm asked to speak and the Bishop says fasting is the topic, I'm going have myself a little chuckle and be grateful for inspiration.  And if not, I'll know more about fasting and maybe be better at it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

6 weeks and counting....

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Direct sales companies/products I love

Direct sales companies I like or products that really work.  I've been accumulating/using different products and seeing what products actually worked the way the companies say they will.  Just my opinion but thought I would post them anyway.

www.thirtyonegifts.com- Utility Tote,  thermal totes, cosmetic bag, wallets(love them), purses are FANTASTIC and the wall organizer(LOVE), and also the baskets and backpacks all are able to be embroidered and are available in many different colors and patterns.

www.arbonne.com- RE9 Advanced Firming Body Cream...it HONESTLY WORKS!  I saw a difference in my stretch marks overnight.  They are not cured completely but I could see how over time it would work really really well!  LOVE THIS STUFF!!!
www..marykay.com-  miracle set...oil free eye make-up remover...satin hands & satin lips (amazing)....body wash/shaving gel....love all these things!
www.pamperedchef.com-I should maybe say which product I don't like rather than my faves but I do use certain products more often than others. This should probably be an entire post.
www.scentsy.com- love the scentsy buddies, and Luna is my all-time favorite scent....at least for now.
www.velata.com-sister company of scentsy, chocolate and fondue pots....need I say more?
www.shelfreliance.com-obviously something I feel strongly about.
www.cookielee.com- I don't always love all their products but I like that the jewelry is sturdy and if I lose it I don't cry because it was expensive but I looks like it was.  They also have a product not in their catalog for those with sensitive ears that is a paint onto the back of the earrings and so the skin doesn't come into contact with the metal....Alyssa has this problem.  Saved us!

There are more but I will have to break down each company one day and if you have others that you love let me know.  I enjoy accumulating things that are fabulous that I can recommend to others that WORK!  Products that are just great!  Oh and the consultants that sell them too....

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


The days are flying by.  My life is changing so quickly.  We are moving next month, my children are growing and changing and last week my Grandfather died.  I'm feeling pulled in a million different directions emotionally and also feeling a million different emotions.  Mostly though, I'm just thankful.  Thankful that I have my health, my children have theirs, they aren't fighting some horrible incurable disease, my husband is by my side and he is who I am relying on when my emotions are my biggest weakness and I am feeling like I just can't do this.  I'm glad I have him.  He is strong when I am not.  The opportunities ahead of us are exciting and I'm trying to focus on that. 

My Grandfather, my Dad's father, wasn't well.  He had congestive heart failure so we knew at some point in the not too distant future he was likely going to pass away, however he had started taking medications that seemed to really be helping him.  He had improved and then one day, he was just gone.  This Grandpa was such a joy and I'm going to miss him.  I'm just grateful that I get to be here for the funeral....