We have had family out to visit this month and last and I'm always reminded of how much I love my family, not just the family I was born into, who I love dearly but my "married family". My sisters-in-law are the most wonderful and talented ladies who are talented in so many ways! My brothers-in-law are wonderful examples and my Mother & Father-in law couldn't be better. In life not many people have such a great support system. I wish I lived much closer to all of them!!
We have been trunk-or-treating, visited the train Museum, gone on picnics, the Pumpkin Patch, dinner together, and just spent time. Nate has visited several states and the kids seem to have grown a bunch. I am still heavily weighing homeschooling the girls and feel strongly that I should. It's actually doing it where I have been a bit hesitant.
I have been wondering why I don't have a huge amount of friends, people who go out every now and then, and hang out together at the park all the time. Chatting in the group of Moms that all their kids play together etc. In thinking about this I realized, that isn't my job. If I did those things I wouldn't have much time with my kids and, I'm actually glad that it's this way. I've never been "popular" I've always had just a couple of really good friends in my life and others who I like and would consider chat buddies or good acquaintances. It takes a lot of effort for me to be a good friend and being a good friend to a lot of people just isn't possible. So I just decide to like everyone and once or maybe 3 or 4 times in my life I make a friend that I will keep forever. I can say that I only really have 2 of those kinds of friends, if you aren't counting family. That is a blessing!! Those two people I treasure!!! One being my hubby!!! The other I won't embarress by name but she knows who she is!!! Real friends aren't afraid to say the truth if they know you need to hear it! She has always done this in a kind and supportive way, and yet, never backed away from what needed to be said, encouraging or even difficult things. Those are the kinds of friends you keep!!

Halloween was great. It was Little Nate's Birthday and we had family over to help celebrate! He is 4 years old and it's so weird how fast time goes by when you start having children!!! He is such a sweet, sincere, caring, and helpful boy! Everyone who meets him instantly loves him. He greets strangers with enthusiasm and people are drawn to him. He is such a special boy and just like his Daddy! He loves to help his Dad mow the lawn, weed wack, blow with the blower, and also pull weeds. He works side by side with him and I'm so thankful that he has such a wonderful and powerful example of that in is Daddy! He loves Tractors, motorcycles, garbage trucks, and trains.
Nate is still teaching Sunday school, and I am still in nursery and life is just as busy and wonderful as ever!!!
Heather, you are such a blessing to our family. We love you!
ReplyDeleteGlad you did a little update! I can't believe he's that old either! It will be nice to be able to see you guys a little more often soon.
ReplyDeleteWe loved visiting with you the other day. I greatly enjoy your company and spending time with you. If I was in the area, I would be your park buddy. I have pondered the same question myself, why I don't go hang out with people that often. Don't tell anyone, but I think sometimes I am a little stand offish, and I also get so involved helping my kids right now that I end up short on time. I enjoy my life right now though. I thought you expressed your thoughts on the matter very well, and I completely relate to them.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to your little boy. We were thinking of him on Halloween. You have great kids, and I really enjoy my association with your whole family.
I am looking forward to when we get to see your family again. (Wish it was going to be sooner than it will be).
I know, Nate and I are SUPER excited that we will get to see you way more!! Thanks for the comments, I always enjoy reading them! Stacey, we would be great park buddies!! :-) Hopefully we will all be able to visit soon, all of us...at the same time!!! :-)