Families are Forever

Friday, August 13, 2010


So for our anniversary Nate and I took the kids camping. I have so many memories of camping and I want my kids to experience camping as well. We went to Zion's camp. About 45 minutes to an hour away. We had a great campsite, great food (if you ask me, the kids didn't care for foil dinners and kabobs), and mosquitoes were aplenty! I thought it would be fun but I wasn't prepared for the wonderful time I had!

Zion's camp has a small pond, and a beach/meadow area around it so we went down there rode some paddle boats, canoe, and a raft. Played wiffle ball with Nate, Daniel, Amber, my mom, Whitney, and Amy played too! so cute how Conner and Isaiah would chase the ball instead of running to the base!! Badmitten and slip n' slides, and picked fresh blackberries too!! So much fun!

We had smores, foil dinners, kabobs, peach cobbler in the dutch oven (thank you Amber, it was delicious!!!), pancakes, lots of bacon, eggs and a bunch more!!

We went on a night hike that was really great! The kids complained and whined about how they were scared the whole way and wanted to do it again when we were done! It was so neat!! So peaceful, and beautiful!! I enjoyed doing all the food but need more practice and finesse'!!

Being up there was so fun, and I loved it so much that Nate and I want to go again this month! Loved it!

I did however, forget my camera!! So disappointed!

1 comment:

  1. Wish we could have gone with you! It sounded like a lot of fun. Maybe one year we will join you. I hope so.
