Natalie in 2004 while visiting cousins in Utah. She didn't want to come down from the stairs...
Touchdown!!!! At Ben and Holly's wedding.

Natalie goofing off on the computer with the web cam....
Where does the time go? It's seems cliche' to say but time really does fly! Today my eldest child is in double digits. In keeping with a tradition I've tried to stick with I thought I would dedicate a blog post to her.
Right now Natalie loves: Stuffed animals, red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting, reading, playing on the computer, playing outside, reading, playing with her friends, riding her bike/scooter, reading, her teacher Mr. Gabler, and giving talks in church.
Her favorite food is probably homemade mac and cheese and she is loves helping me cook and bake. She is a very good friend and always doing the right thing. She has a lot of friends and is really good in school. She is also in advanced math now. She's been working most of the year for this and is very excited to have finally reached it. She loves to read and her testing in school for reading, and reading comprehension are way above average. Her lexile is 958 and average for her age and grade level I'm told is about 400-500. Her teacher tells me basically she about 2 grade levels above average. A fact I'm proud of but can not take credit for. Yes, I'm a proud Mama!
She LOVES science and is always doing extra reports and experiments in that area. Once the family made a volcano and she loved that. Now shes a bit more advanced than that but her love of science hasn't diminished. In fact she just did an extra credit report on ants complete with pictures, it was fantastic. She wrote it all herself and copied nothing, it was all from memory. She told jokes about ants in it and everything. I'll have to post it if I have time. She is a perfect student and her teacher wishes my permission to clone her and place her clones strategically in the class to help with the other students....oh and she got an A on the report. She loves it and I have to say that I love her teacher. He has picked up on Natalie's love of science and math and encouraged her to do better and she has. (Of course he also offers her Hershey's kisses if she or any of the other kids in class will help put up chairs and clean up after school....she stays after everyday.)
Natalie is also very responsible and very kind. Like her Father she is often one step ahead of me in daily tasks and responsibilities. She has a sweet personality that is compassionate and always worried that people get treated fairly....much like her mother. She has her ears pierced and loves to wear earrings and have her hair done... She is a bit taller than average and has braces. Last year we also found out that she is nearsighted...or whatever it means when you can't see far away and can see close up. She has some adorable pink glasses which she loves because now she can see things she couldn't before like the leaves on the trees. That first day with her glasses walking to school was a new day for her.
I just got her test results back from ATS here in the Sacramento area. It's a Cal State University sponsored program that looks for talented children and tests them to see what areas they are strongest in and offers summer classes that helps challenge them in areas they are strong in and strengthen them in areas they are less strong in. Natalie is testing in the 80th percentile nationally for verbal meaning language arts, social science and life sciences, and 57th in math which includes computer science, engineering mathematics, and physical sciences). Basically what the teacher says is that she excels in one catagory and does well in both. Her strength, (based on my observation, and this test) seems to be that she learns best by hearing things. A trait she no doubt picks up from her father. Enough of the bragging proud Mommy stuff. Here are some pictures of my sweet 10 year old girl.
At recess you will find Natalie playing on the monkey bars or doing tricks on the parallel bars. Her favorite though is creating cheers/dance routines to popular songs with a team and performing in competitions in said groups. She coordinates the teams, makes up the dance/cheer moves, assigns the parts and organizes the practices during recesses. She also coordinates what all the girls will wear for the competitions and on what day to wear them. She is like that with her things on and in her dresser too. It looks messy to me but she has a spot for everything and can usually find something if I ask her for it. (That she gets from me.) She is also fairly creative and artistic as well. She likes to draw and is good at it and painting as well. She got some yarn and knitting needles from her Grandma Goodman and will be learning that art soon. No doubt she will pick it up quickly.
She is really good at helping with the younger kids and doesn't usually mind when I ask her to do something. She loves playing on the computer and networks with other kids (on games I approve of) to play. She does chores (almost always) when I ask and is great at explaining things so that I or others can understand. (Much like her father) Some of her chores currently include but are not limited to: unloading/loading the dishwasher, feeding the dog, feeding the chickens, cleaning her room, folding laundry, putting away clothes, setting the table for dinner/clearing the table after dinner, and helping to clean the living room. There are others but these seem to be the consistent ones.
She has lots of friends and includes her younger sister in nearly everything she does. She is a great big sister and Nate and I love her and are so proud of her! We love you Natalie. We are so glad you are part of our family!!!

Love you Nats!
What a fun girl! I'm sad that I barely know her and that it's going to get worse with you guys so far away! We should figure out some kind of skype thing or something.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Natalie! I love all the photos you posted of her. She is so cute. I think also you have a talent of writing about all of her talents. Wow! I knew she was amazing, but I enjoyed learning more about her and her capabilities. The Goodman's make such high quality offspring. :) I know Natalie is always a hit at out house, and we are looking forward to playing with her soon.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post about a outstanding girl--I love reading about my wonderful grandchildren! Let me know when would be a good time for a knitting class.
ReplyDeleteHolly, we are trying to save some frequent flier tickets for our family members that we know would never be able to afford to come and see us any other way. We'll also start skyping and such as well! I do talk about all of her aunts in a personal way and share things about you guys because I think the world of you guys. So in a way she knows you. We are looking forward to Moab so we can spend time with you all!!
ReplyDeleteStacey, thanks for the compliments. It's easy to write about my kids because I know them so well. Not so easy when you don't know what your talking/writing about. :-) I agree the Goodman family does make some high quality offspring! Of course it doesn't hurt when the genetics being combined are pretty near perfect!!! We are looking forward to visiting with you guys too! It's been all my kids have been talking about!
ReplyDeleteJanna, Maybe next time Nate is over to mow the lawn Natty could come and you could give her a lesson. Or else maybe sometime after school on a Thursday or Friday. We'll be in touch.
ReplyDeleteThe first couple of pictures remind me of Shayla! I think it's the cheeks and serious expressions :) The one of Natalie on her first day of school is adorable! She is such a smart girl! And growing up so fast. We will miss her.