Fair warning, this will be a long post. I seem to be a cluster blgger. I'm not good at posting something everyday or even every week. I seem to do it in clusters. Sometimes several in a day. Annoying I know. I can hardly believe it's December 26th. The year went by fast and slow all at the same time. The year started with Nate's Dad, Glenn's passing, and my Alyssa's birthday. It was the same day. I still can't believe that this Christmas was our first without him. The kids still talk about him and I keep pictures up on the walls with him so that the kids will keep him in their minds and hearts. Some of the them are young enough they may not remember him well so I figure this way even if they don't have a lot of memories of him he will be someone they know because we talk about him and have his pictures up on the wall. We also lost Nate's Grandfather. He was a truly great man and I still tear up a bit when I think about his passing. He was a blessing to so many and me and my family especially!
The coming year will bring many changes for our family. It's an exciting time yet I'm already struggling with it. We will be moving to Virginia in June after school ends and the kids are about the same as I am, nervous but excited. We are hoping to go to our Glenn Goodman family reunion in April and I'm super excited about that. We are also planning on making the trip out to Virginia a fun one and visit family along the way.
During the summer we went to Yosemite with our Glenn Goodman family and it was so much fun! The only issue we had was getting there. We all, except for my wonderful Nate get motion sick. The road to Yosemite was not straight and therefore we had some sickies....I'll leave it at that. It was great spending time with cousins though and we're looking forward to next years adventure.
My wonderful, talented, fabulous husband, Nate is doing well with work, the move is proof of that. He is being promoted which is why we have to move. He is still gone a lot but we look forward to having him with us much more once we are there. The picture above is pretty typical. The thing he is giving the kids a ride on I'm not sure what you actually call it, but it's a four-wheeled bike thing that we used to pedal around on when we were dating, years ago. Now that his Dad has passed we have it at our house and the kids love it. Nate is really good about playing with the kids when he's home. Whether it's riding them around on this thing, or roller blading with them, or working with them he's always doing something with them. He's a really good teacher too so when the kids need help he's the one I recommend the kids go see. I love him so much and I'm very grateful for him. I chose.....wisely.
Fortunately, I can't find any current pictures of myself. This one is more current and has all of us in it. I am still trying to finish losing weight. I have about 15lbs to go and I'm 28 down. I am still doing Shelf Reliance, and taking care of the kids. With all that the kids are doing in school and extra curricular things I don't have much time for anything else. I read a couple of books this year that I liked, Killing Lincoln, and The Help. Loved them both! Killing Lincoln was great because a great deal of the book is about Richmond and the history of that city and the state of Virginia. I have always loved history, and I had forgotten much of it and so it was a good book for me. I joined the gym again, Merry Christmas to Nate....and me. I am also helping a bit with caring for my Grandma who is 91. It's a joy to be able to spend so much time with her and it makes my heart happy that my kids will remember her and have memories with her!
I am teaching Valiant 8 in Sunday school next year and this last year Valiant 9-11 boys. It was interesting and fun. I'll sure miss those guys next year.
This last year also brought the passing of my great aunt Drue and that same week, her brother, my great uncle Paul. It was really, really sad for me and my kids and also a bit weird planning 2 funerals so close together. Aunt Drue spent alot of time with her sister, my grandmother and our family. She was such a neat lady. She and my Grandma made my prom dress when I went to prom with Nate. Anyway, she was 95 when she passed and a truly wonderful woman. We miss her terribly.
Natalie has had a big year. She now has braces AND glasses and is doing well in piano. The first couple years were difficult for her but she seems to be enjoying it and now playing songs that she knows and can sing too. She also decided to join the school band and is learning to play the drums. It's a LOT of fun to see her in concert! My brother Brian and sister Sara were here visiting and were able to see her first performance along with my sister Melissa, Amy, Whitney, and new Brother Michael. Everyone was here for Whitney and Michael's wedding Dec. 2. Natalie is an excellent student and LOVES to read. In her class she is the top student and she also LOVES science. She is always asking me to do science experiments. For Christmas this year we got some kits for science projects we can do at home. Natalie is quite the leader and coordinates dances and cheers at school, recruiting anyone who wants to have a part. She choreographs the whole thing and assigns out the parts to each girl. It's pretty fun to watch and hear about.
Alyssa. She is growing so much! This last year has been an interesting one for her. She is also taking piano lessons and hates them. I tell her that she will like it soon. She isn't convinced. When we ended the school year this year, I was a bit discouraged. Her teacher was not what I expected and Alyssa was struggling a little bit. Over the summer though we took Alyssa to the pediatrician and had some blood work done. With my family history of celiacs and her difficulty focusing, her tiny little frame and lack of growth I thought we should have her checked out. She came back as positive for the problem and also had not gained any weight or height in a very long time. So long that the pediatrician was pretty concerned that I take her off of gluten completely and feed her everything healthy that I could as much as she would eat, focusing on veggies, and lean meats, rice and potatoes. Needless to say she hasn't put on a huge amount of weight but she has grown 2 sizes and her weight is catching up. School is not a struggle anymore and her focus is sharpening. She is extremely imaginative and artistic. She LOVES to sing and play. She also LOVES science and nature. Anything that has to do with outdoors she loves. Birds, trees, rocks, mountains, anything. She is very sentimental and like her mother emotional. She, like me, is a bit shy and feels uncomfortable making new friends, although, she's a very good friend. The picture above is of her and her cousin Brynn. To say that Alyssa loves this girl would be a bit of an understatement. She thinks she is her sister...or should have been. They are 2 peas in a pod, definitely kindred spirits. This picture was taken at Great Grandpa Brown's funeral and the two were inseparable. They had a fantastic time just being together.
Conner turned 5 on Halloween this year. He is such a joy. I knew he was supposed to come to our family before he was even thought of. Now that he's here and growing so fast I understand a little bit more of why. He is such an even tempered, kind, and caring little guy. He is a friend to literally EVERYONE. Not just kids his age but people more than 10 time his age. He will strike up conversations with sweet old ladies in wheelchairs at the grocery stores. Before we leave the little old ladies are nearly in tears and Conner is hugging them telling them to have a good day or they are his friend now. When Conner used to go to the rest home to visit my great uncle Paul, Conner would stop to visit with some of the residents there. Tell the older ladies that they looked beautiful that day or else another one something other sweet thing, and he really means it. He isn't not scared by their skin being wrinkled or their hair being gray or white (most of my kids are). He just treats them like he would anyone of his friends, and it makes their day. At school when we walk home random kids who aren't in his class say hi to him and call him by name. Even those on the other end of the school in 6-8th grade. This kid just loves everyone and they know it. He is still a kid though and has his moments at home. Overall though he is such a well behaved child and we feel extremely blessed to have him in our home. We tried this year to start him in piano and he actually did pretty well but he really didn't want to do it and I want him to want to so we will try again next year or the year after. He is doing super good in school and his teacher Mrs. Ebersole is FANTASTIC. He loves her and is learning so much not just about letters and numbers but about manners and structure. It's been fun to watch him grow.
Ethan. He's 2 this year. He is such a funny, fun little guy to have around. He is just busy, busy. He loves to take things apart, make messes aka helping, and be with his Daddy. Ethan LOVES his Daddy. He is a lot like him too. Though in many ways he reminds me of his Uncles. He climbs everything and runs constantly. I'm told that Both his uncle Matt and his uncle Ben did those things. He's a bit mischevious and is very strong-willed. He makes us laugh quite often though and is such a sweet little one. He looks very much like his older brother and I get comments frequently about that. I've even had people ask if they are twins. He is trying to do everything Conner does right now and it's so cute sometimes. Other times it's not so good.
This photo of Ethan is pretty typical. He is "fixing" our Rockband drums. Yep, he's Mr. Fix-it. Or fikit, as he would say. He loves his blankie that Grandma Goodman actually made for Conner. Ethan just attached himself to it and Conner didn't seem to mind. He loves his find-it, which is his pacifier. He should be off of it by now but we are babying him far too much and he still gets it. Soon enough it will be gone. He still takes naps and enjoys time with mommy in the mornings when all the other kids are at school. He is growing up so quickly and has actually mellowed quite a bit from 6 months ago when he would NEVER stop moving. He is so much fun and Nate and I both are really enjoying him.
This picture was when we were in line at Disneyland for Peter Pan. The only reason he survived was because he could climb on the railings. I'll blog about Disneyland in another post, which will most likely be mostly pictures.
We had lots and lots of great experiences and made lots of great memories. We also had some sad ones. The sad ones made me appreciate the happy ones even more. Time is precious. We never ever know how long we have to be here or what the future holds. So I cherish every minute that I have with family and friends in familiar places. Happy new year to all our friends and family. We love you and hope the new year brings happiness and joy to each of you and yours!!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Black Friday
I've never been a huge fan...unless I have money to spend and someone to go shopping with....Sadly these two things never happened simultaneously. I do have a nice list of things I want though.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
We're moving...
I'm still in denial/shock. I am not as strong as I thought I was. I feel like I should be so excited and happy but I'm struggling with thoughts like, it's going to be sad to leave all my friends, and my girls friends, ow can I do this to them? Take them away from their friends and Grandparents and wonderful ward members? I'm going to have to leave my chickens (which I have ALWAYS wanted) behind, along with my cats who I LOVE and the house Nate and I always planned to stay in forever!!! The life I have always wanted is here. I've only ever wanted to stay here with my husband and children and family. I'm going to have to leave it all behind...am I strong enough? I can't even think about it or I cry...talking about it...forget it! Right now I am just not thinking about it (denial) and praying (that that dreadful day in June will never come) & for wisdom, strength and courage to do what the Lord wants us to do.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Well, I've never been good at making decisions quickly or well, at all. I get overwhelmed easily and worry if it is the right thing or not. It takes me a while sometimes. A family trait I'm afraid. So when Nate was offered a job in Richmond, Virginia I knew I was going to have to, with my husband make a monumental life-changing decision. How do people make decisions like this without taking weeks or even months?!? I feel very ill-equipped... but, the decision must be made. To go, or not to go....? I'm overwhelmed just thinking about having to make the decision...
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Shelf Reliance Sale!
I just get really excited about this stuff!! For any of you who may be interested The 5 DAY SALE is...starting TODAY!
Shelf Reliance opened it's doors to a brand new building last night in American Fork!
To celebrate we are having a super 5 day sale!!
Starts Sept. 1st and ends Sept. 5th
Our Best Shelving Deals!
Our most popular shelf, The Harvest 72" $459.99 now $251.74*
Our newest model that has 6 rows and holds all small cans, Harvest 78" $459.99 now $261.25*
Harvest 72" Holds all #10 cans $459.99 now $251.74*
Cansolidator Cupboard fits right in your pantry and can hold 20 small cans in small area! Only $18.52*
Banana Slices $28.79 now $23.27
Blackberries $38.19 now $32.67
Blueberries $39.89 now $34.19
Mangoes $25.49 now $20.19
Pineapple Chunks $37.69 now $32.29*
Carrot Dices $17.09 now $13.86
Celery $22.79 now $19.56
Green Beans $15.99 now $13.69
Garden Seeds $41.39 now $35.43*
Mushroom Pieces $20.49 now $17.57
Spinach $17.69 now $15.19
Tomato Powder $35.19 now $28.99*
(All #10 can sizes)
Quick Oats: $6.59 now $5.69
White Flour: $7.69 now $6.26
Hard White Winter Wheat: $7.79 now $6.74
Whole Wheat Flour $8.39 now $7.21
White Rice: $9.59 now $7.78
Instant White Rice $11.39 now $8.73
6 Grain Pancake Mix $10.99 now $9.40
Blueberry $37.39 now $33.35*
Orange $38.69 now $34.54*
Passionfruit $33.89 now $30.28
Pomegranate $33.89 now $30.28
Strawberry $33.89 now $30.28
Vanilla $37.29 now $33.25
Cheddar $42.79 now $36.66
Colby $49.19 now $42.08
Monterey Jack $47.29 now $40.46
Mozzarella $41.49 now $35.52
Chicken $37.49 now $32.10
Ground Beef $44.69 now $38.28
Ham Dices $53.29 now $45.59
Roast Beef $45.69 now $40.78
Sausage Crumbles $43.79 now $37.52
Baked Potato Cheese Soup $41.39 now $35.43
Beefy Chili $41.19 now $35.24
Broccoli Cheese Soup $41.89 now $33.25
Cheesy Potatoes $28.69 now $24.60
Chicken Curry $37.89 now $32.48
Creamy Tomato Chicken $37.89 now $32.48
Chicken Noodle Soup $29.19 now $26.40
Dijon Chicken $37.89 now $32.48
Mesquite BBQ Chicken $41.39 now $35.43
Sweet Pepper Beef Steak $36.19 now $30.96
Vegetable Risotto $30.39 now $26.02
Fudge Brownies $15.69 now $13.48
Ice Cream Chocolate Bars $24.59 now $21.08
Neapolitan Bits Ice Cream $47.99 now $41.03
Ice Cream Sandwiches $26.99 now $23.08
Macaroons $16.69 now $13.26
Freeze Dried Meat 6 pack $282.89 now $231.79
Mixed Berry 6 pack $198.79 now $162.44
Entree Soup 6 pack $224.89 now $184.29
1 Year Deluxe family of 5 with 2 Harvest shelves $7,657.49 now $5,674.34 savings of $1,983.15
1 Year Deluxe 1 person with 1 Harvest shelf $2208.39 now $1636.84 savings of $571.55
Start your monthly Q within this 5 day sale and add all these sale items all you can to get the most out of your budget!! Email me if you need help starting your Q!
Go to: www.thrivefoodstore.shelfreliance.com and click THE Q to get started.
If you start at a $100 budget or more, you get FREE Platinum Status which gives you monthly deep discounts as well as exclusive products, coupons and gifts!
Shop for these and anything else you need through:
Shelf Reliance opened it's doors to a brand new building last night in American Fork!
To celebrate we are having a super 5 day sale!!
Starts Sept. 1st and ends Sept. 5th
Our Best Shelving Deals!
Our most popular shelf, The Harvest 72" $459.99 now $251.74*
Our newest model that has 6 rows and holds all small cans, Harvest 78" $459.99 now $261.25*
Harvest 72" Holds all #10 cans $459.99 now $251.74*
Cansolidator Cupboard fits right in your pantry and can hold 20 small cans in small area! Only $18.52*
Banana Slices $28.79 now $23.27
Blackberries $38.19 now $32.67
Blueberries $39.89 now $34.19
Mangoes $25.49 now $20.19
Pineapple Chunks $37.69 now $32.29*
Carrot Dices $17.09 now $13.86
Celery $22.79 now $19.56
Green Beans $15.99 now $13.69
Garden Seeds $41.39 now $35.43*
Mushroom Pieces $20.49 now $17.57
Spinach $17.69 now $15.19
Tomato Powder $35.19 now $28.99*
(All #10 can sizes)
Quick Oats: $6.59 now $5.69
White Flour: $7.69 now $6.26
Hard White Winter Wheat: $7.79 now $6.74
Whole Wheat Flour $8.39 now $7.21
White Rice: $9.59 now $7.78
Instant White Rice $11.39 now $8.73
6 Grain Pancake Mix $10.99 now $9.40
Blueberry $37.39 now $33.35*
Orange $38.69 now $34.54*
Passionfruit $33.89 now $30.28
Pomegranate $33.89 now $30.28
Strawberry $33.89 now $30.28
Vanilla $37.29 now $33.25
Cheddar $42.79 now $36.66
Colby $49.19 now $42.08
Monterey Jack $47.29 now $40.46
Mozzarella $41.49 now $35.52
Chicken $37.49 now $32.10
Ground Beef $44.69 now $38.28
Ham Dices $53.29 now $45.59
Roast Beef $45.69 now $40.78
Sausage Crumbles $43.79 now $37.52
Baked Potato Cheese Soup $41.39 now $35.43
Beefy Chili $41.19 now $35.24
Broccoli Cheese Soup $41.89 now $33.25
Cheesy Potatoes $28.69 now $24.60
Chicken Curry $37.89 now $32.48
Creamy Tomato Chicken $37.89 now $32.48
Chicken Noodle Soup $29.19 now $26.40
Dijon Chicken $37.89 now $32.48
Mesquite BBQ Chicken $41.39 now $35.43
Sweet Pepper Beef Steak $36.19 now $30.96
Vegetable Risotto $30.39 now $26.02
Fudge Brownies $15.69 now $13.48
Ice Cream Chocolate Bars $24.59 now $21.08
Neapolitan Bits Ice Cream $47.99 now $41.03
Ice Cream Sandwiches $26.99 now $23.08
Macaroons $16.69 now $13.26
Freeze Dried Meat 6 pack $282.89 now $231.79
Mixed Berry 6 pack $198.79 now $162.44
Entree Soup 6 pack $224.89 now $184.29
1 Year Deluxe family of 5 with 2 Harvest shelves $7,657.49 now $5,674.34 savings of $1,983.15
1 Year Deluxe 1 person with 1 Harvest shelf $2208.39 now $1636.84 savings of $571.55
Start your monthly Q within this 5 day sale and add all these sale items all you can to get the most out of your budget!! Email me if you need help starting your Q!
Go to: www.thrivefoodstore.shelfreliance.com and click THE Q to get started.
If you start at a $100 budget or more, you get FREE Platinum Status which gives you monthly deep discounts as well as exclusive products, coupons and gifts!
Shop for these and anything else you need through:
Thursday, August 25, 2011
School....a rant.
Well, back to school...I don't really like it. Warning: a rant is coming... I enjoy having my kids at home with me and actually would like to homeschool them except that my hubby is uncomfortable with it. This year the school is mandating that everyone who comes to pick up their child get a name tag and sign in/out. If you are driving in a car you don't have to, only if you come onto the sidewalk to come into the school. I am dutifully NOT doing this. I make 3 round trips to the school and I'm walking with 4 children who are still young and know nearly every teacher and lunch lady, and yard duty. I can see that they want to keep the kids safe, and know who comes onto campus. The new principal came from a high school and you can tell. He's trying to get more control. I'm sure the pedophile lurking outside the gate is gonna go walk into the office and sign in... we should definitely keep all the kids safe by punishing their parents. You can't keep track of everyone that comes and goes unless you have a fence around the entire school. I avoid all the cars in the parking lot by going through the school and so the teachers are semi-harrassing me asking if I need help, can they do something for me, and what am I doing at the school. Uhhhh...picking up my kids. I'm pushing a stroller, and toting a kindergartner....I just thought I would stroll over to the school in the 96 degree weather and watch all the kids walk home....it's fun. Seriously!? I'm so irritated! It's not even the policy it's the teachers attitude toward the adults, who happen to be the parents of their students. They are so puffed up and condescending to us. I'm not one who believes in giving up freedom for safety...period...end of story...
On a positive note, every one of my kids got exactly the teacher that was best for them!! I prayed a lot about it and left it in the Lord's hands to take care of them. I'm really happy with how this year shaped up despite the new policies of the new principal.
On a positive note, every one of my kids got exactly the teacher that was best for them!! I prayed a lot about it and left it in the Lord's hands to take care of them. I'm really happy with how this year shaped up despite the new policies of the new principal.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Are you Insured?
Ever consider how much money you put towards your insurance premiums monthly or even yearly? Let's see.... Homeowner's Insurance, Health Insurance, Car insurance, Life insurance, Disability insurance etc.....
$10,000, $15,000, or $20,000 or more!
Why do you purchase these insurances?
Peace of mind, protection, "just in case"...
At the end of the year, if you have not needed these insurances, what do you get back in return?
Ummm... $0.00 Dollars
What if you purchased FOOD as an insurance?
Just a little bit goes a long way.... how about starting with $100/month.
What would you get at the end of the year if you didn't need to use this insurance?
Wow!! This is an insurance that actually gives you something in return!
After faith and love, the only thing that will save you and your family is food and water! What is more important than that!?!
Go to www.thrivefoodstore.shelfreliance.com to sign up for a monthly Q at a budget you are comfortable with and get your food insurance today!
Remember... you don't lose a thing with food insurance!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Well, so far we have had 1 severe kidney infection, 2 cases of croup, and 1 flu virus thing...I'm hoping it's all done for the month. Nate is still traveling some of his upcoming trips will include Germany and Pennsylvania. We are excited about an upcoming camping trip with the family to Yosemite and lots of summer fun. Nate and I are also trying to get our online business up and running and are really excited about that too.
I'm excited for summer, although that means that time is flying by and my kids are growing way too fast, and hopefully next post will be more interesting... :-)
I'm excited for summer, although that means that time is flying by and my kids are growing way too fast, and hopefully next post will be more interesting... :-)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
How I try to blog about family and funny stories and I just never do it faithfully! It makes me laugh to think that I would actually stick with it but nevertheless...I will try again!
Nate and I, wait, Nate's not really doing this, I am trying my hand at heirloom gardening this year so that I can save my own seeds...So far I have only killed 2 radish plants...but this is day 1...so we will see. I'm honestly praying over them!
So here's to gardening success this year!! I planted: Pink Caspian tomatoes, Black Krim tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, roma tomatoes and Thessaloniki tomatoes, crookneck squash, zucchini, 4 different varieties of watermelon, 3 different colors of bell peppers, strawberries, green beans, white icicle radishes, and then all the herbs which are: rosemary, marjoram, thyme, dill, parsley, and sage. We'll see how it goes!!! Oh, we are also composting...
Nate and I, wait, Nate's not really doing this, I am trying my hand at heirloom gardening this year so that I can save my own seeds...So far I have only killed 2 radish plants...but this is day 1...so we will see. I'm honestly praying over them!
So here's to gardening success this year!! I planted: Pink Caspian tomatoes, Black Krim tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, roma tomatoes and Thessaloniki tomatoes, crookneck squash, zucchini, 4 different varieties of watermelon, 3 different colors of bell peppers, strawberries, green beans, white icicle radishes, and then all the herbs which are: rosemary, marjoram, thyme, dill, parsley, and sage. We'll see how it goes!!! Oh, we are also composting...
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The Nutrition of Freeze Dried Strawberries
Nutrition of Freeze Dried Strawberries by Andrea Cespedes
FD STRAWBERRIES on sale at SR this month only!
#10 Can $20.02, 25% off!
Case (6 - #10 cans) $102.98, 30% off!
E-mail us to get on the Q and get this deal!
Nutrition of Freeze Dried Strawberries
by Andrea Cespedes
Freeze-dried strawberries are sliced strawberries that have had most of the water removed. This concentrates their flavor and nutrients while extending their shelf life. They may be rehydrated in water, tossed into cereal or baked goods, or eaten on their own as a snack.
Calories and Macronutrients
One oz. of freeze-dried strawberries, about 1 1/4 cups, contains about 90 calories. Of the 24 g of carbohydrates, 12 g are from natural fruit sugar. Freeze-dried strawberries contain no fat and 2 g of protein.
One oz. provides 316 percent of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Recommended Daily Allowance, or RDA of vitamin C, based on a 2,000-calorie-per-day diet. As noted by the USDA, values may be higher or lower depending on total calorie intake. In addition, an ounce of freeze-dried strawberries contains 4 percent of calcium needs and 8 percent of iron.
Compounds in strawberries called flavonoids have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce cardiovascular disease risk factors. In the "Journal of Nutrition" issue from September 28, 2009, researchers from Oklahoma State University tested freeze-dried strawberry powder's effects on cholesterol and markers of stress and inflammation. After four weeks, women with metabolic syndrome who consumed 25 g of the freeze-dried strawberries two times a day experienced significant decreases in total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol -- the bad kind.
Unlike conventional dehydration methods that allow the texture, flavor and appearance of fruits deteriorate, freeze-drying maintains fruits' appearance and flavor. The method of freeze drying strawberries begins with partially freezing the strawberries at a temperature that breaks down their cellular structure and freezes 25 to 45 percent of water within the fruit. The strawberries are then sliced and frozen completely. They are dehydrated in a vacuum, resulting in a product with a moisture content of approximately 3 percent.
Freeze drying does not affect the nutrition content of strawberries as do other preservation methods like microwave drying notes a study in an issue of "Food Science and Technology International" published in February 2006. Many companies sell bags or cans of freeze dried strawberries. They are also found in packaged cereals listing "with real strawberries."
About the Author
Andrea Cespedes is a professionally trained chef who has focused studies in nutrition. With more than 20 years of experience in the fitness industry, she coaches cycling and running and teaches Pilates and yoga. She is an American Council on Exercise-certified personal trainer and has degrees from Princeton and Columbia University.
FD STRAWBERRIES on sale at SR this month only!
#10 Can $20.02, 25% off!
Case (6 - #10 cans) $102.98, 30% off!
E-mail us to get on the Q and get this deal!
Nutrition of Freeze Dried Strawberries
by Andrea Cespedes
Freeze-dried strawberries are sliced strawberries that have had most of the water removed. This concentrates their flavor and nutrients while extending their shelf life. They may be rehydrated in water, tossed into cereal or baked goods, or eaten on their own as a snack.
Calories and Macronutrients
One oz. of freeze-dried strawberries, about 1 1/4 cups, contains about 90 calories. Of the 24 g of carbohydrates, 12 g are from natural fruit sugar. Freeze-dried strawberries contain no fat and 2 g of protein.
One oz. provides 316 percent of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Recommended Daily Allowance, or RDA of vitamin C, based on a 2,000-calorie-per-day diet. As noted by the USDA, values may be higher or lower depending on total calorie intake. In addition, an ounce of freeze-dried strawberries contains 4 percent of calcium needs and 8 percent of iron.
Compounds in strawberries called flavonoids have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce cardiovascular disease risk factors. In the "Journal of Nutrition" issue from September 28, 2009, researchers from Oklahoma State University tested freeze-dried strawberry powder's effects on cholesterol and markers of stress and inflammation. After four weeks, women with metabolic syndrome who consumed 25 g of the freeze-dried strawberries two times a day experienced significant decreases in total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol -- the bad kind.
Unlike conventional dehydration methods that allow the texture, flavor and appearance of fruits deteriorate, freeze-drying maintains fruits' appearance and flavor. The method of freeze drying strawberries begins with partially freezing the strawberries at a temperature that breaks down their cellular structure and freezes 25 to 45 percent of water within the fruit. The strawberries are then sliced and frozen completely. They are dehydrated in a vacuum, resulting in a product with a moisture content of approximately 3 percent.
Freeze drying does not affect the nutrition content of strawberries as do other preservation methods like microwave drying notes a study in an issue of "Food Science and Technology International" published in February 2006. Many companies sell bags or cans of freeze dried strawberries. They are also found in packaged cereals listing "with real strawberries."
About the Author
Andrea Cespedes is a professionally trained chef who has focused studies in nutrition. With more than 20 years of experience in the fitness industry, she coaches cycling and running and teaches Pilates and yoga. She is an American Council on Exercise-certified personal trainer and has degrees from Princeton and Columbia University.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Taking the Plunge!
Ok, my Mom and I have been trying to help people prepare by getting some food into peoples houses and the food that we have fallen in love with are in the Thrive line from Shelf Reliance. We have been getting some food from them and now are trying to get it into other peoples homes. It's the BEST food we have found. Nate and I are taking the plunge as well! Super excited and LOVE the food! The quality is the best we have tasted and they also have a monthly program called the Q that lets you pick what you want to get and how much you want to spend monthly. From that monthly amount you get points to get more food free and they also send you the new products, recipes, sometimes you get free shipping, coupons, etc. It's a great deal and no contracts! Plus they deliver it straight to your home. They have also gone direct sales and do home demonstrations so that everyone can taste what they are buying before they buy! Fabulous idea right?! Anyway, I love it. :-) We will keep you posted about different specials, recipes and other fun things! If you haven't tasted it and you want to I'll send you samples!! Woohoo for yummy food storage and convenience in everyday cooking! Their chicken and cheeses are already chopped, cooked, grated etc. They taste really good and it's super easy and convenient to use! Plus the shelf life is 25 to 30 years unopened and opened it's good for 6 months to 1 year. It's so great!! Gonna try to post the specials here... :-)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Memories of my Father-in-law
Glenn Goodman, my Father-in-law passed away on Monday January 3rd early in the morning after a noble fight with ALS aka Lou Gherig's Disease. This day was also my sweet daughters birthday. He will be sorely missed.
My first memory of him is at the dinner table when Nate and I were dating in high school at the age of 16. We were eating and no one was saying a word. It was quiet but for the sound of the silverware against the plates. This is unusual for me, in my house you have to practically yell. The only time there was any noise was when the two youngest siblings were fighting about one of them being too close to the other. Even then Glenn just looked at them for a second and went back to eating. It made me laugh actually.
My Father-in-law was an exactly honest man in his speech and in his thoughts and actions. In conversation he demanded the same. Not by being rude or by request but by his quiet example. He was a man of few words but they were often wise and probing. He was practical and a man of integrity and he was also funny. Watching him laugh was contagious because of his smile.
Growing up I HATED playing games. I think this is because I didn't like it when people, especially myself had to lose and they felt bad. We didn't play many games in my house growing up. Dating Nate we would play games for family Home Evening from time-to-time. I was able to watch one game and played most of the time after that. One game Glenn was about to score a point and the game was a game involving the people around you. He was laughing so hard that he started to cry, turn bright red and started to drool. We were all laughing because he was laughing, and he hadn't even taken his turn yet! It was so fun and a memory I will carry with me forever! Games weren't so bad after that! Not many people saw that side of Glenn and it's too bad. He is so much fun.
Glenn wasn't afraid of saying what needed to be said or doing what needed to be done. He was a courageous man and a very hard worker and taught that to his children. Because of him my husband is one of the hardest working men I know, and enjoys it because he has very fond memories of working side-by-side with his Father. He owned 2 El Caminos and I remember him working on those a lot in his garage. He was good at fixing just about everything.
Later on when grandchildren starting coming, he always brought his camera with him and was always taking pictures of them. He really loved them and enjoyed them! He would play with them and tickle them and I know it made him sad when he could no longer do those things with them. So, rather than feel sad he did other things that he COULD do with them. He put them on his lap and took them for rides outside in his wheelchair. They laughed and smiled and had a great time!
He was very healthy and was very contientious about the subject. He would make "green smoothies" for breakfast and after having tried some my husband affectionately referred to them as Dirt smoothies. :-) Some of the things that went into these smoothies included: kale, swiss chard, celery, blueberries, carrots, flaxseed, spinach, collard greens, and anything else that was healthy really. I admire him just for being able to drink them!!! :-) If you started a conversation about his subject you could get him talking for quite a while! One time I asked him something about milk, and he went on for a while. When he was done there was complete silence. After a minute he said, "I take it you guys don't agree." It was hilarious and we all had a good laugh about it, including Glenn!
I have so many other memories of him, and will try to post some more. I am blessed to be able to be a part of the family that he helped create and will miss his wit, wisdom, smile and quiet ways. His love and testimony will be survived by the way he lived his life and taught his children. His fight with the horrendous illness that he had gave me and my husband the honor of serving him for just a short time before he passed. Though the only contribution I was able to make was to make my husband, his son available at any point of need. I wish it could have been more. I am grateful for the honor it was to share in his life and to be part of his noble family! We'll miss you Glenn!!!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Day 1
Well, I told myself that as soon as I got my materials for my cleanse in the mail, I would start the next day. Of course that day was New Year's Eve...not the most fun!! BUT...I did it! We went to some friends house and they had Cheesecake, quiches, chips and dip, hot dogs, taquitoes, did I mention cheesecake? Anyway, I didn't have anything but my water. It was complete torture!! I enjoy eating...a lot! But, I did it. I can't say honestly if I feel any different yet because, we stayed up way too late and I'm exhausted. I can say that the smoothies are yummier than I thought they would be. My kids love them too. I have made, vanilla smoothie with a few strawberries, spinach, carrots, and more spinach. And a chocolate one with spinach, a couple grapes, cauliflower, carrots, and a little bit of broccoli. They were great!! The detox tea, I don't like....at all...but I'm told that that starts to taste better after a few days and you get rid of a bunch of the toxins. I hope so. It's got a bitter aftertaste and that's what I'm told is gone in a few days. We'll see. It's not a lot so it's drinkable. As far as my meals it isn't hard to stay away from dairy and bread...we can't really have bread anyway. It's the sugar that's killing me. I would really, really like a big candy bar right now!!!
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