Families are Forever

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Virginia Update

Man I am such a slacker blogger.  Sorry guys.  Life has been busy and slow all at the same time. Seems like to me that the days go by pretty darn slow and the weeks and months pass so quickly.  Virginia living is a much slower pace than California or even Utah.  Speed limits are slower, life is just slower, especially for us.  Sometime this is a very good thing.  Other times not so much.  It's great when you get so much quality time with your family.  Have time to just take a breath, do the kids homework, practice piano, make dinner, do laundry and dishes all without being interrupted by the phone or people knocking at my door.  It's also a bit lonely for me.  I'm used to noise, and business, talking with people on the phone throughout the day and taking the kids to play at their friends house during the week.  I'm a super social person and not only do I enjoy people, I find that I NEED the interaction.  I'm kinda lonely without it.  Every place I've  ever lived that there is a lesson to be learned from living in that place.  Not sure what the lesson is here but there are several situations that have come up that make me think I may have identified  a few of the reasons for our being here.  We'll see.

As for the kids here is the run down....

Natalie- Natalie is in her last year of elementary school and has already registered for middle school.  Can this be possible?!  She is growing up so fast, and is such a great girl!  When I sprained my ankle she would get up on her own, get all the other kids breakfast ready, unload the dishwasher, get ready for school, and help Alyssa and Conner to get ready for school while I took forever to try and make their lunches.  She, Conner, and Alyssa ride the bus to school and they love riding the bus.  Something tells me they won't like it quite so much next year.  While riding the bus Natalie and Alyssa made friends with two girls who live down the street.  One of the girls, Natalie's friend has selective mutism.  She does not talk much outside her home.  The parents don't know what to do to help her and because of her "problem" she doesn't have a lot of friends.  Needless to say they came down elated that their daughter would talk to anyone on the bus.  The bus has too many people and she has never really spoken while on the bus.  She comes over to our house quite often now and talks to my kids as well as Natalie.  She doesn't talk to me much but has said a couple words.  They came to church with us last week and I'm thinking they will again this week.  They enjoyed it. Her mom and Dad are more than happy to have her around our family as much as possible and they are really great kids so we are also.  It's really nice for the kids to have friends that live close.  Natalie's teacher recommended that she be in Math 7 next year which is a grade level ahead of where she would normally be.  She is taking 2 electives, computer programming, and computer publishing, and weather science, or something close to that.  Natalie really likes computers, electronics, and things like that so she is really excited for next year. 

Alyssa- This year has been a good one for Alyssa.  Straight A's.  That has never happened before now.  I think it's a combination of nothing else to do, no gluten, her starting to really understand things better at school.  She is still taking piano lessons from our ward organist, however she hates it.  I can't figure out how to help her love it.  Despite that, we press on.  She doesn't have a choice so I try to find ways to motivate her.  Right now she wants to earn a pet.  A rabbit to be more specific.  So as part of our "deal" she has to practice every day with the exception of Sunday, and keep her room clean for a minimum of 2 months.  Last time we did the pet thing the requirement was for 2 weeks and I still ended up caring for all the animals.  I am not willing to do that again, nor should I so we'll see how this goes.  If she earns the rabbit and does not care for it properly, the rabbit will find a new home.  So far the first week was great.  The second week she missed 2 days....as I type she is practicing.  When she sets her mind to do something, she is one determined little girl.  Now to channel that.....is the trick.  She is doing well and has made several friends here.  It's helped a lot with the homesickness that I think we all feel. She is increasingly more imaginative, and artistic.  Just today she found a few coals that had fallen out of the fire place earlier.  They had cooled off and so she used them to draw and smear a picture out of.  She loves twitchy's (squirrels) and birds and still collects rocks, pine cones and now acorns.

Conner- This year has been a good one for Conner, but I think it would be no matter where we were.  Sweet boy is always happy, wanting to do the right thing, dishing out compliments as fast as he can and working hard with his Daddy every chance he gets.  He is doing great in school and seems to have a few friends there.  He helps me get wood for the fires we build, helps with dishes, cleans his room and does a great job being patient with a little brother that pesters him day and night.  He is such a sweet little guy and growing up quite a bit.  He's 6 and reminds me all the time that he loves me and thinks I'm beautiful.  The child already knows how to work it.  :-)  The great thing is that he is also sincere.  He loves his family and learning a growing so fast.

He's huge.  Anytime I take him anywhere people always ask me when he is going to turn 5.  When I tell them not for another year  and a half they are amazed.  This big guy is just, well, big.  He started life that way and hasn't ever deviated from that course.  He is really tall and very sweet.  He is in transition from nap time to no nap time which is interesting.  During the day until about 4pm I have a very sweet energetic loveable boy.  After 4pm is what I affectionately call...."the witching hours"  he throws montrous tantrums, screams, cries, and generally makes himself, and those around him miserable.  Poor guy.  Days that he does take naps are better but he has a hard time falling asleep at a decent hour so we do naps about every other day or two.  That seems to make life more comfortable for everyone.  He and I have a lot of time together these days and this has made a huge difference in his behavior.  He is such a sweet thing when it's just he and I.  We have school time, story time, snack time, movie time and if the weather is nice outside time. He tries to help me with dishes, and sweeping the floor washing the table and sinks etc.  He is learning and talking so well and still he ADORES his Daddy.  I'm second fiddle, and have been since birth with Ethan.  We have had a lot of fun together these last few months learning and playing and just spending time together.  Currently his favorite things include, Spiderman, Batman, playing trains, working outside with the lawn mower & weed wacker, and Super Why.

Nate- Nate got to travel 2 times this month.  Both trips I told him not to tell me about.  One was to Chicago, during a snow storm and the other Monterey and Yuba City.....home.  I LOVE the city of Chicago ever since going there for Pampered Chef's national conference.  It is such a terrific place with so much to see, do, eat, and love!  He hasn't traveled much at all since moving here really so I think he has actually enjoyed the little bit he's done.  He has enjoyed being the Product Manager at work and I'm sure is doing a great job.  He really loves coming home every night and spending time with all of us.  He is able to play with the kids, and help with homework and eat dinners with us.  It has really been a blessing.

Me-  I have been really busy with a sprained ankle doing a whole lot of nothing.  I am as of 2 weeks ago able to walk on my ankle.  If I go outside I use my brace.  I am doing that for the next few weeks until I get my ankle strengthened again.  I think I put on 20 lbs just by having to be down so much......stupid crutches.  Around the house though I don't use my brace.  It's really, really, really nice to be on two legs again.  At church I am a leader in Activity Days as well as a Primary Teacher for the same group of girls.  I really enjoy it and the age, surprisingly.  They don't have attitude.........yet but are old enough to grasp gospel topics and discuss them pretty well.  I have a co-teacher who is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!  I love this woman and her family.  She is such a great person as well as a very real person.  I'm so glad to be able to teach with her.  She is also an Activity Days leader with me and one other lady.  Both talented lovely ladies.  I am as of very recently going into the baby watching business.  A lady at church had a baby about 8 weeks ago and needs child care starting at the beginning of next month.  She's actually going to pay me to watch her very tiny baby.  I figure since I'm here nearly every day, and rarely ever leave my house, I might as well do something to help someone.  It's gonna be fun having a little tiny guy around here that I can enjoy, cuddle, hold, and then give back and get a full nights sleep.  It's actually got me considering doing a couple more kiddos to enjoy and bring in some extra money.  Not sure about that but I've worked at several Daycares, took Child Development classes, and I'm certified in Child & Infant C.P.R.....In my late teens I was also a Nanny to 3 foster children for a year or so.  I figure I can handle maybe 3 or 4 little guys.  Much more than that I might lose my mind.  Here in Virginia you have to have a B.A. degree  or else some sort of Certificate in order to be a Daycare provider.  I don't have that, but would LOVE to do that some day.  Anyway, I am slowly getting my plate filled up.

In other news, we had our first snow days here in Virginia.  In our school district if there is snow, school is cancelled as well as all church meetings and activities.  It's very funny to me actually.  The kids LOVED it and played in it nearly getting frost bite.  Crazy kids.  We loved it though and are hoping for one more snow fall before it warms up.

(Our back side yard.)

  (Front yard.)  Everywhere you look in Virginia is TREES!  I always feel like I'm camping.
From the road running alongside our house.  This is the front of the house and part of the front yard.  Most of our acre is in the front yard.

Pretty soon it will be time to plant our garden.  Not sure yet how that will go since we have so many dang squirrels.  The take bites out of the tomatoes, etc.  Anyway, that's pretty much what we have been doing.  We miss our family and friends a whole bunch.  It's funny because I don't think it really gets any easier.  In fact it gets worse but we have the knowledge that this is where the Lord wants us, and that makes it bearable.